Jayne Hitman and Paul Robert

PODCAST: Your best investment

Employee development is a stake in your organization’s future.

December 3, 2020

Challenged by a national health crisis and its economic impact, credit unions are faced with protecting employees, safeguarding financial stability, and serving members within a new normal fraught with uncertainty. Investing in employee development not only meets these needs but also helps prepare organizations for a future that has yet to be defined.

In this podcast, our latest in a series on service culture, we explore how investing in your employees’ development can benefit the long-term future of your organization.

Investing in employees shows that you see them in your future, and that’s a motivator for today’s worker, says Jayne Hitman, national program manager for Creating Member Loyalty (CML), a development strategy program from CUNA focused on increasing employee engagement and the member experience.


“Once we can help people see themselves in our future, they can start seeing us in their future as well,” Hitman says.

And that makes all the difference in your culture, says Paul Robert, CEO of FI Strategies, a strategic partner of CML.

Roberts adds that investing in employee development plays a critical role in identifying emerging leaders within an organization.

In this interview, Hitman and Robert break down all the ways employee development returns value to an organization and engages employees to serve members more meaningfully.

You can listen to the CUNA News Podcast in Apple’s iTunes Store, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and Stitcher Radio.

In this episode:

2:03: What employee development is

3:40: Why employee development is important

7:20:  Elements of employee development 

10:48: What top talent is looking for in a job

15:28: What employee development looks like organizationally

18:46: Other considerations