#CURockStar Kylie Keene
Kylie Keene

A Millennial to Watch

'Stories are powerful, remembered, retold, and shared.'

October 13, 2015

BEFORE SHE STARTED working as the director of corporate video and digital media at the Maine Credit Union League in Portland, and for its credit union service organization, Synergent, Kylie Keene picked up some skills in an unexpected place—on tour with boy-band heartthrobs, One Direction.

Keene spent a summer as a tour correspondent, blogging, vlogging (video blogging), and traveling across the country. As fun as it was, little did she know that the experience was preparing her for a new career in the credit union industry.

“I tell the credit union story through video. I develop strategy, write scripts, produce animations, and shoot and edit video,” says Keene.

Debra Trautman, the league’s director of corporate marketing, thinks of Keene as a professional storyteller.

“She’s a master storyteller—developing strategy, creative, and execution into videos that get results,” says Trautman.

Keene, who previously served as a Young & Free Maine spokester in 2012, created a statewide awareness campaign with YouTube entertainment to increase membership at Maine’s credit unions.

She also produces how-to videos for young adults, along with a series of animated videos called Financial Tools that showcase credit union products and services. She even covers technical topics in a monthly videocast.

“She has a passion about financial literacy and uses her skills to share how credit unions are making a difference in the lives of their members,” says Trautman.

Keene believes in the power that social media holds for credit unions to reach their members and potential members.

“Social media isn’t [optional] anymore,” says Keene. “Credit unions need a presence, but if you don’t know where to start or how to use social media effectively, work with an agency or hire someone with proven skills in this area. You have to pay to be seen, and at the same time, your voice should be authentic and human.”

When she’s not producing videos or taking in a concert, Keene spends time with her fiancé and her dogs.

“Without them, life wouldn’t be as warm, fun, or muddy,” she says.

Keene’s passion for telling stories is evident.

“I’ve always been a storyteller in the sense that I seek out experiences and people who lend themselves to a good story,” she says. “I love getting to the dinner table and having new stories to share, and hearing new stories from others. Stories are powerful. Stories are remembered and retold and shared.”

• Click here to meet Credit Union Magazine's 2015 CU Rock Stars