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VIDEO: Weekly Wrap-up Feb. 20-24

Prepare for CUNA GAC with former presidential staffers, a look at financial well-being for all.

February 24, 2023

Whether you're on your way to Washington, D.C., or planning to follow the 2023 CUNA Governmental Affairs Conference (GAC) from home, prepare for the annual advocacy event with all the latest content from CUNA News, CUNA News Podcast, and Credit Union Magazine.

The latest CUNA News Weekly Wrap-up, which covers Feb. 20-24, is the best way to find everything you need to know before the credit union movement's biggest event.

Learn about the political landscape from strategists and authors Karl Rove and Jennifer Palmieri, examine the fraud threats impacting businesses and consumers in 2023, and get an early look at next week.

Watch now: