John Sackett
(Photo by

Conference conversations: Speaking from experience

Royal Credit Union board member John Sackett shares volunteer lessons.

February 27, 2023

As a credit union director with more than 40 years of experience, John Sackett has been dedicated to $4.1 billion asset Royal Credit Union in Eau Claire, Wis. By almost all measures, the retired teacher has exceeded expectations for volunteer board members.

Sackett serves in prominent roles nationally, including on the National Credit Union Foundation and CUNA boards. Closer to home, he has helped oversee Royal’s rise as a thriving credit union in a vibrant Wisconsin community.

As a longtime member of that community, Sackett takes pride in Royal’s ascension and role in making Eau Claire a better place to call home. In this interview, Sackett shared how directors can positively influence their organization’s strategic direction.


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