
Credit unions from North Dakota and the Dakota Credit Union Association meet with Sen. John Hoeven, R-N.D., in Washington, D.C. (Dakota Credit Union Association photo)

Leagues, credit unions advocate during Capitol Hill visits

September 17, 2023

Seven state Leagues and Associations representing credit unions from 10 states were in Washington, D.C., this week to advocate for credit union priorities. Visitors met with legislators, regulators, and CUNA staff during their visits.

“Each year, our meetings with legislators and regulators provide credit union leaders with the platform to advocate for a healthy operating environment. We have learned that the best form of advocacy is when our members share stories with their local representatives and lawmakers in these types of face-to-face meetings,” said Jeff Olson, president/CEO of the Dakota Credit Union Association. “With the crushing impact of the ongoing regulatory burdens, it’s important that we also meet and have personal dialogue with NCUA, and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau during our time in D.C

“Many of our participants come prepared with personal stories and instances that describe how certain rules and regulations harm consumers and are directly preventing credit unions from serving their members as well as they could,” he added.

The Virginia Credit Union League's visits--combined with its August recess advocacy--ensured the League and Virginia credit unions met with every member of the state's delegation over the past two months. 

“Advancing our legislative agenda means maintaining a good working relationship with legislators and policymakers,” said Virginia Credit Union League President/CEO Carrie Hunt. “Our legislative events provide us the opportunity to connect lawmakers and credit unions, showcase the good work of credit unions in serving their members and communities, and build awareness of the issues that matter most to us.”