Ben Maxim 2023 1200.jpg
Ben Maxim, COO, Reseda Group

PODCAST: Create personalized financial solutions

'Lean into the tech and then leverage our expertise,' says Reseda Group's Ben Maxim.

September 21, 2023

Everyone knows that technology is advancing at a rapid pace. But how can credit unions use this technology and analyze data in a way that improves the member experience and allows them to compete with fintechs?

“Lean into the tech and then leverage our expertise with how to operationalize it and bring it into our industry,” says Ben Maxim, chief operating officer at Reseda Group, a Michigan State University Federal Credit Union credit union service organization.

After discussing fintech partnerships last year, Maxim returned to the CUNA News Podcast this week to share the idea that if credit unions can nail the technology, they already have their community history, member engagement, and financial education to draw from to continue driving the movement forward. The right mix of everything leads to personalized financial solutions and increased member engagement.

“How do you personalize the experience when they interact with the credit union in any of the channels?” Maxim says. “Because we know who they are, we know more about them, and then we’re able to make some predictions.”

Hear Maxim and CUNA Digital Media Design Specialist Yeekeng Yang discuss why consumers desire personalized financial solutions, how technology can drive those solutions, how fintechs and credit unions can work together, how artificial intelligence and data analytics can enhance credit unions, and more.

Listen now—and find the full catalog of CUNA News Podcast episodes— on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotify, and YouTube.

In this episode:

0:44: Episode introduction 

1:19: Intro to Reseda Group 

2:28: How fintechs leverage technology

3:53: How to build personalized financial solutions

5:45: Examples of technology that enhances member engagement and satisfaction

15:47: Using technology to stay relevant

18:18: AI and data’s role in personalized solutions

27:20: Leveraging partnerships

30:18: Identifying trends and making informed decisions

32:42: The future of technology and member solutions