
Launching the video experience

Brandon Broussard was instrumental in building a video teller option for members.

September 22, 2023

For Brandon Broussard, a promotion came with a big challenge.

Shortly after he was appointed video teller manager at Pelican State Credit Union in 2022, Broussard spearheaded the launch of a new department and team.

After establishing policies and procedures for the credit union’s video teller department, Broussard coordinated logistics, worked with other departments and vendors, and communicated with the entire staff at the $661 million asset credit union in Baton Rouge, La. This ensured the smooth implementation of virtual tellers at the 18 Pelican State branches across the state.

Broussard credits the success of the launch of the new department to the entire team.

“I included my team in every process, valued their thoughts and opinions, and trusted them to make decisions that would benefit our department,” he says. “During the process, it never once crossed my mind that I was in this project alone. With the support from Pelican State and my team, we were determined to create success.”

Pelican State’s members have reacted positively to the deployment of the video tellers. They say the machines are fast and easy to use.

Broussard was named Pelican State’s 2022 Employee of the Year. The award exemplifies his ability to provide the best internal and external service, and make a measurable contribution to the credit union’s success.

“Employee of the year never crossed my mind,” he says. “When my name was called, I remember saying, ‘Wait, did they call my name?’ I was totally shocked, as I was up against very successful Pelican State employees. To me, I was doing what I love.”

Broussard joined Pelican State in 2019 as team lead in the call center’s member service department. He was quickly promoted to supervisor, overseeing the entire department.

When the credit union announced the new video teller manager position, Broussard jumped at the opportunity.

He was again promoted in April to video banking manager due to the expansion of his department—with new services on the horizon for Pelican State members.

“I love going to Pelican State every day,” Broussard says. “It’s not work. It’s a place where you’re valued and your input matters—no matter what your job role is. It’s truly the best place to work.”

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