
Community outreach marks Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Leagues and credit unions support their communities with days of service.

October 9, 2023

Leagues and credit unions are hosting days of service and community outreach in honor of Indigenous Peoples’ Day, Oct. 9, 2023.

The Wisconsin Credit Union League has created CU Community Day to join neighboring state leagues who already host and promote a combined day of service for Indigenous Peoples’ Day.

Begun by the Illinois Credit Union League in 2019, CU Kind Day is celebrated in Illinois, Michigan, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.

The Minnesota Credit Union Network hosts a similar program each Indigenous Peoples' Day called CU Forward.

During this day of service, leagues and their member credit unions will work with groups such as Habitat for Humanity, United Way, and YMCA.

They’ll also collect and distribute personal care kit items, blankets, coats, food donations, and more.

These efforts highlight the sixth and seventh cooperative principles, cooperation among cooperatives and concern for the community.

Staff at Wakota Federal Credit Union in South St. Paul, Minn., will create and deliver goody bags for low-income seniors, volunteer at a local food pantry, put together “blessing bags” for homeless people, and serve at a food distribution center, says Mary Matheson, president/CEO at the $43 million asset credit union.

BECU in Tukwila, Wash., is transitioning its annual day of service to a Day of Purpose. The $29 billion asset credit union will assemble more than 30,000 care kits for local nonprofits, including Asian Counseling and Referral Service, Chief Seattle Club, College Success Foundation, and Junior Achievement of Washington.