Cindy Connelly, senior vice president of governmental affairs and outreach, Georgia United Credit Union

Connelly honored for making ‘herstory’

Governmental affairs leader lauded as an outstanding woman of the credit union movement.

October 11, 2023

When building relationships with lawmakers, Cindy Connelly gives as much as she gets.

Her philosophy: Trust is key, adding it’s important that “you’re not just asking for things, or asking just when there’s a crisis,” says Connelly, senior vice president of governmental affairs and outreach at $2 billion asset Georgia United Credit Union in Duluth, Ga.

If not for Connelly’s more than 40-year career of relationship building, credit union membership might be out of reach for many today. That’s because she worked closely with former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich, R-Ga., at the time to pass landmark legislation expanding credit union membership rules.

Honored for her body of work, including passage of the Credit Union Membership Access Act of 1998, Connelly was inducted into the America’s Credit Union Museum exhibit, “Credit Union Women Making History–Herstory.” The annual recognition program celebrates outstanding women of the credit union movement.

She was honored this year with five other women representing the credit union industry.

“I’ve done anything and everything within my power to push, protect, and fight for credit unions,” Connelly says.

Read her full profile here.