
Credit union supported Amo wins R.I. special election

November 8, 2023

Credit union-supported Gabe Amo (D) was elected to the U.S. Congress in Tuesday’s special election in Rhode Island’s 1st Congressional District. Amo was supported by the Credit Union Legislative Action Council (CULAC), CUNA’s federal PAC, and the Cooperative Credit Union Association.

Amo—a former White House staffer—becomes the first Black member of Congress representing Rhode Island. He took 64.8% of the vote against Republican challenger Gerry Leonard.

Amo will fill the seat left open by Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I., who resigned in June.

CULAC, together with the Utah Credit Union League, is working in advance of Utah’s special election Nov. 21.

In the race to fill the Congressional District 2 seat, Credit unions support Celeste Maloy (R).