
'Tis the season for fraud prevention

Put fraudsters on the naughty list and prepare members to combat holiday scams.

January 1, 2024

As the holiday season unfolds, so do the opportunities for fraudsters to take advantage of the festive spirit. However, amidst the twinkling lights and joyous celebrations, credit unions need to actively lead the charge in fraud prevention to ensure their members enjoy a secure and worry-free holiday season.

One of the cornerstones of credit unions' approach to fraud prevention is education. Recognizing that knowledge is the first line of defense, credit unions can equip their members with valuable insights into common holiday scams and practical tips on how to steer clear of potential pitfalls. With the gift of current fraud trend knowledge, credit unions can empower their members to make informed decisions and navigate the season's hustle and bustle with confidence.

As you immerse yourself in the holiday cheer, consider the gift of real-time fraud detection–and real-time interdiction. With a focus on education, advanced security measures, collaboration, and transparent communication, credit unions stand as reliable allies in the ongoing battle against holiday fraud.

Read our new 2023 Holiday Fraud Trends eBook to make sure you’re putting coal in fraudsters’ stockings this holiday season, and year-round.