Bruce Copeland, SAFE Federal Credit Union

A fun approach to financial education

SAFE Cents video series delivers practical information in an engaging, entertaining fashion.

January 1, 2024

Financial education has been an important part of member service for years at SAFE Federal Credit Union in Sumter, S.C.

Over the past 18 months, however, the $1.8 billion asset credit union has elevated financial education into an integral part of its brand, mindset, and culture, says Bruce Copeland, vice president of marketing.

“Almost everyone in the industry has a section of their website devoted to financial education,” he says. “There’s nothing wrong with that, but to really make a difference we needed to up our game.”

This focus led to the creation of a video series, SAFE Cents, that aims to improve members’ financial well-being.

The SAFE Cents video series provides a fun approach to delivering practical information on financial topics such as credit scores and debt management.

“We pulled together information people need about financial services, their account, and how to manage it—real-life, usable stuff put together in a way that’s entertaining enough to make people want to watch,” Copeland says. “It felt like the right topic at the right time. Not being super serious and having some fun with it felt like the right tone.”

‘What differentiates you is having a clear purpose, mission, vision, and values—and living them every day.’
Bruce Copeland

The credit union’s marketing and advertising teams worked with the on-camera talent to develop eight SAFE Cents videos. It shot the videos, which range from 45 seconds to two and a half minutes in length, over the course of two days.

“If you want to actively engage folks, video is the way to go. The shorter the better,” Copeland says. “Video is a perfect medium if you want to clearly show examples of what you’re trying to communicate.”

The marketing team’s job wasn’t finished after the series’ August 2022 launch. They worked to make sure they were seen by as many people as possible.

The series is advertised on broadcasts and 30-second teasers, encouraging listeners to visit SAFE Federal’s website or YouTube channel.

The YouTube videos average 60,000 views monthly, while digital channels advertising the videos receive roughly 119,000 views per month. Website pre-roll teasers account for another 40,000 views each month.

“It’s easy to put good material together,” Copeland says. “But unless you deliver it in a way that engages folks, they aren’t going to take part.”

  SAFE Federal Credit Union

SAFE Federal Credit Union uses the SAFE Cents video series to deliver financial lessons in a fun format.

At the same time, the credit union doesn’t try to beat members over the head with financial education.

“When it begins to have the feel of a sales pitch, you run the risk of undermining what you’re trying to get across,” he says. “We try to do it in a way that doesn’t come across as heavy-handed or condescending. Hopefully, it’s entertaining.”

Copeland says members watch most SAFE Cents videos in their entirety, garnering about two million total views.

“That tells me that members are staying with it and finding value in it,” he says. “We hope they put it to good use.”

The effort garnered SAFE Federal a Best of Show Diamond Award from the Marketing & Business Development Council.