
Top 10 articles of 2023

The year’s most popular stories feature credit union mascots, employee engagement, fraud threats, leadership strategies, and more.

January 1, 2024


From economic uncertainty to mergers to technological advancements, 2023 had a bit of everything. Let’s look back at the 10 most popular CUNA News stories of the year:

10. Economy on a razor

While CUNA economists updated their economic forecast to rule out a U.S. recession, economic uncertainty remains amid a year that has seen credit union loan growth return to normal levels after growing nearly 20% in 2022—the sharpest increase since 1984.

“The economy is essentially on a razor,” says Mike Schenk, CUNA chief economist and deputy chief advocacy officer.

Schenk discusses expected loan and savings growth, and decreasing home affordability, adding “We’re not expecting a replay of the financial crisis. We’re leaning toward the idea that the bubble in housing will slowly deflate rather than pop.”

9. Employee engagement: Show that you care

What does it take for employees to fully engage in the workplace? In a nutshell, they need to feel cared about, says Ashley Keegan, vice president of people at $232 million asset Electro Savings Credit Union in St. Louis.

“They want to work in an environment where they feel their employer has their best interests at heart and in mind,” Keegan says. “They want to be encouraged to use their voice, making them feel valued and heard. They also want meaningful work.”

8. ‘A loan you can use on whatever you’d like’

Members First Credit Union has offered a seasonal “Whatever Loan” since 2008. Each winter, the loan attracts consumers who want to plan for the holidays, fill their propane tanks, or cross items off their “whatever” lists.

After 15 years of offering the loan, the $815 million asset credit union in Midland, Mich., now offers the “loan you can use on whatever you’d like” year-round to “be more of a safety net to meet the financial needs members have when the unexpected pops up and life happens,” says Chief Strategy Officer Marcie Long.

7. 8 characteristics of strategic leaders

Mid-level managers who hope to make the jump to the C-Suite must transition from the tactical focus of frontline management to the broader vision of strategic leadership, says DeeDee Myers, founder/CEO at DDJ Myers.

She offers eight characteristics of strategically oriented mid-level leaders.

6. 5 fraud threats to watch

Forecasting fraud to surge amid uncertain economic conditions, Experian’s 2023 Future of Fraud Forecast’s top five fraud threats to watch in for 2023 were: Fake texts from the boss, fake job postings and mule schemes, “Frankenstein” shoppers, social media commerce fraud, and peer-to-peer payment problems.

5. CUNA names 2023 Credit Union Hero of the Year

Credit Union Magazine announced the 2023 Credit Union Hero of the Year: Amanda Merz, community impact manager at $4.6 billion asset SAFE Credit Union in Folsom, Calif. Merz has deep ties to the nonprofit community in the Sacramento area, and these relationships provide direct insights into community needs.

Also honored as 2023 Credit Union Heroes are PAHO/WHO Federal Credit Union Vice President of Business Development Michael Ray, Numerica Credit Union Vice President of Community Engagement and Philanthropy Amanda Swan, and Northeast Family Federal Credit Union President/CEO Joanne Todd.

4. FedNow, not later: Why credit unions need to prepare today

Are you looking to stay ahead of the curve in the digital payments era? It's time to prepare for FedNow, the Federal Reserve's instant payment system. FedNow will soon offer the ability to process transactions 24/7, 365, which means faster and more efficient payment processing for your members.

3. Meet the 2023 Credit Union Rock Stars

Credit Union Magazine’s 11th-annual Credit Union Rock Star class features 25 credit union innovative, creative credit union leaders. While holding varying roles, living across the U.S., and working at credit unions with wide-ranging asset sizes, each Rock Star excels and makes the credit union movement a better place.

2. CUNA, NAFCU notify members of intent to merge

CUNA President/CEO Jim Nussle and NAFCU President/CEO Dan Berger notified members of both organizations that the associations have signed a letter of intent to merge and form into a single, powerful entity to serve credit unions more efficiently and effectively, without redundancies.

Nussle will serve as the president/CEO of the new association—America’s Credit Unions—which was approved by members of CUNA and NAFCU and will legally launch Jan. 1, 2024.

1. Vote for your favorite credit union mascot

Which credit union mascot is the best?

CUNA News staff set out to find out by compiling 16 of the goofiest, most creative, intriguing credit union mascots across the U.S. in the first-ever Mascot Madness tournament. After three weeks, six polls, and more than 12,000 votes, readers voted in a bracket-style tournament that left GECU’s Dru Blue as the inaugural champion.

Also in the running were Fairmont Federal Credit Union's Count Earn'est the SAVERtooth Tiger, Idaho Central Credit Union's Share Bear, and Bay Area Credit Union’s Boomer Froggy. 

Some stories that just missed the list: Win the war for deposits: 8 steps, From boss to coach, FHFA’s review of the Federal Home Loan Bank System, ‘Distinctly and uniquely me’, Credit unions worldwide gear up for 75th International Credit Union Day, 2023 National Credit Union Youth Month theme announced, CUNA releases study on true impact of interchange regulation.